
Monday, October 6, 2008

The ball is rolling!

I start teaching class at Maverick's Gym on the 15th @6pm. I have bee making my appearances at the gym for my workouts. I would much rather be at the beach but I know that I need to be seen to peak interest. I know there are one or two trainers there that are not happy that I'm going to be there. I think they feel I'm stepping on their toes, I prefer it to be more of a stomping on the toes.

There are plenty of fat people can't we all just get along??? The real problem they have with me from what I can tell is that I don't do curls, pushdowns, crunches or run on a stupid treadmill.
Today was simple a minute of swings, minute of get ups for ten minutes with 24kg. Then 3x3 pullups done the right way and 3x3/3 pistols. All of this in 28 minutes and I was done. The owner still doesn't believe that I don't do any isolation work. So I had a little talk with him about the myth of isolation. I think I will be giving that speech a good bit in my near future.

On another note. We found another house to move into on the 15th. I had several conversations with a lawyer about my house being foreclosed on and what we should do. It comes down to this CYA (cover your ASS) because nobody else will. The bonus is that we are paying less and we will be three blocks from the beach where I teach classes twice a week!! Hell yeah, the ball is rolling in the right direction for once.

Classes are picking up as well so all is right in the world.


Anonymous said...

Good talking with you after class tonight, Doug. I'm glad that all is well.

1van said...

never stress about things you can`t change
and if you can change it
do so ,
then there is no more stress
hence stress is not exsist

hell yeah