There are times in life when you have a tremendous drive, whether it is training, your job of whatever is floats your boat. Drive is what keeps you going. Then there are days like today. It felt like pulling teeth to get my ass swinging the bell. After 150 swings I had no motivation to train. 4 sets of snatches, presses and pull ups. When I finished a strange thing happened I had a good sweat going and I felt pretty good.
These are the days that stop people in their fitness tracks. You have to push through the days when you just don't feel like training you'll be better for it!
Have days like that...The more I push through them the less I seem to have.
those days are the real keys to success imo. it's not what you do on those days but THAT you do. I love this quote
" challenges don't develop character; they reveal it"
Thanks Rif that is a great quote
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